微機電系統概論 - 報名截止日:08/31


physics, calculus, electronics



Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) is an exciting technology that has permeated our everyday lives in recent years. MEMS sensors have been used in automobiles, projectors, mobile phones, and gaming devices. Silicon processing and CMOS technology provide the opportunity to create micromachines, microsensors, and microactuators with performance that is often not possible in traditional technology. This course is an introduction to this growing field. The course will cover a wide range of subjects, including MEMS applications, techniques of MEMS, key fabrication processes, principles and examples of microactuators and microsensors. Design tools and fabrication foundry services will be overviewed for the purpose of designing MEMS devices in the final projects.

1. Introduction and Overview
2. Fundamentals of Microfabrication
3. Fabrication Foundry Services
4. Design Tools
5. Transducers (Actuators, Sensors and Systems)
6. Applications
7. Lab and Final Projects



- lecture notes
- references:
- S. D. Senturia, “Microsystem Design,” 2001
- V. Kaajakari, “Practical MEMS,” 2009
- Chang Liu, “Foundations of MEMS,” 2006
- J. W. Gardner, et al.,“Microsensors, MEMS, and Smart Devices,” 2003
- S. M. Sze, “Semiconductor Sensors,” 1994

