半導體雷射工程 - 報名截止日:01/12

半導體雷射工程(Semiconductor Laser Engineering)之課程目標為使修課學生具備半導體雷射元件操作原理與各種類型半導體雷射之製作技術及相關應用等核心基礎能力。並搭配實作課程包含半導體雷射鏡面劈裂、電流-電壓-光功率LIV特性量測、近場、遠場圖形觀測以及搭配光檢測器製作簡易動作偵測或訊號傳輸等教學示範實驗,培養學生動手實作能力以及開發各項創意應用模組或應用程式。
The aim of the course “Semiconductor Laser Engineering” is to introduce the operation principle of semiconductor lasers and its application. Students take this course will be anticipated to gain the core capability of understanding a wide variety of semiconductor lasers operation characteristics and fabrication technology. Some primitive optical communication experiment setup will be demonstrated and students are encouraged to design and demonstrate their creative gadgets incorporating semiconductor lasers.

