奈米材料探索/ Nano Material Discovery - 報名截止日:06/17

This Summer Course was started in 2012 to provide fundamental knowledge on “Single Molecule/Nanoparticle Spectroscopy and Imaging” to graduate students, postdocs, and young researchers, as the knowledge was becoming indispensable in chemistry, material and bioscience, and related fields. The relevant science and technology had developed and matured, following which we changed our subject to “Functional Material Science” and in 2019 to “Nano Material Discovery”. The number of the total participants for 2012- 2018 counts 884 and the Summer Course is regarded as one nice activity of DAC NCTU.

We have always made new trials not only in scientific program but also in management. Initially this Summer Course was organized by Center of Interdisciplinary Science NCTU and NTHU/NCTU Frontier Research Center on Fundamental and Applied Sciences of Matters. In 2017 JSPS "Nano-Material Optical Manipulation" Project of Japan and this year Australian Research Council COE Exciton Science Project have
come for holding this meeting. Now three research projects of Taiwan, Japan, and Australia co-organize 8th International Summer Course. Five Australian and four Japanese professors are giving fundamental tutorial lectures and presenting cutting-edge results together with Taiwanese top scientist. We receive many Japanese and foreign students, making this Summer Course truly international.

In 2019, this Summer Course was set as a formal course of the Continuing Education Center of NCTU and participating students can receive 1-credit upon full attendance and approval by examination. This credit can be transferred even to foreign university under the related agreement.

Unfortunately we could not organized this meeting for the past two years because of Convid-19, and the epidemic situation is not changed internationally. However, we have no difficulty to hold this Summer Course inside Taiwan. Thus we are planning the 9th Summer Course as usual and a new trial of this year is that all the lectures will be given by Japanese Professors working in Taiwan. We strongly wish this Summer Course is successful and all the participants gain important fundamental knowledge and understand the recent progress related to “Nano Material Discovery from Molecules to Electronics”.

奈米材料探索/ Nano Material Discovery
